September 28, 2017

Five Campus Resources You Need to Know

The OCC Libraries are highlighted on the OCC Spirit Blog as one of the 5 campus resources you need to know:
Information literacy skills are essential for student success. OCC’s library services are free to all students, available on all campuses and accessible online 24/7! Access their expertise searching electronic databases, finding good web sites and evaluating information for research papers by visiting one of five campus libraries or Ask a Librarian at the 24/7 online chat service.  Your Raider One Card serves as your library card allowing you to check out materials and make print outs or copies.  Renew books online, request items from another campus library and access electronic materials with your MyOCC ID and PW. Library computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis with MS Office Suite 2016 for student use. Ask your instructor about extra credit for free library seminars!

Read the whole article on the OCC Spirit Blog.

September 12, 2017

Celebrating Constitution Day at the Orchard Ridge Campus Library

September 17 is Constitution Day, commemorating the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787.

The Orchard Ridge Campus King Library is a Federal Depository Library and provides free access to print and electronic documents created by the United States Government.

While supplies last on Monday September 18, the Orchard Ridge Campus Library will be giving out free pencils and sticky note pads in honor of Constitution Day. Be sure to check out our display table featuring government publications and books about the United States Constitution.
Want to learn more?
Use the OCC Libraries Search Everything to locate books or articles related to U.S. Constitution, or take a look at the resources on the OCC Libraries Government Research Guide. For more information about accessing the Government Documents collection, visit the reference desk at any OCC campus library for assistance.