November 13, 2017

New Search Everything Coming Soon

The OCC Libraries will be introducing a new and improved Search Everything in the new year. The updated Search Everything will include a whole new look & feel, including improved performance for mobile device users and improved OCC Journals List & Browse Search features.

You can find out more about the changes and preview the new Search Everything at

The switchover to this new interface will get underway after the end of classes for the Fall 2017 semester and will be ready for the beginning of the Winter 2018 semester on the OCC Libraries home page at

Please contact Jeff Zachwieja, Coordinator of Library Electronic Resources, at if you have any questions.

October 11, 2017

Human Library Returns to the Highland Lakes Campus

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be deaf? What it is like to have lived with an addiction? What it is like to be Muslim?

The Highland Lakes Campus Diversity Committee and OCC Libraries will host the Human Library on Tuesday October 24, 2017 from 9am–1pm in the Highland Lakes Student Center Arena.

The Human Library allows “readers” to checkout volunteer “books” who represent multiple areas of diversity. Human Books represent a cross section of society that have been stereotyped. “Books” are not asked to be experts, but instead asked to be themselves and tell their story in response to questions asked by the “Reader”. This exercise allows “Books” and “Readers” alike to meet people from other walks of life that they may not otherwise have the opportunity to meet. 

Started in Denmark in 2000, the Human Library helps break down barriers and end prejudice. The idea is simple: if you meet people from other walks of life, people different than yourself, they become real and no longer belong to a faceless group. Once people start talking and getting to know one another, it becomes harder to discriminate against others as we realize we are more similar than we are different. For more information, please go to

September 28, 2017

Five Campus Resources You Need to Know

The OCC Libraries are highlighted on the OCC Spirit Blog as one of the 5 campus resources you need to know:
Information literacy skills are essential for student success. OCC’s library services are free to all students, available on all campuses and accessible online 24/7! Access their expertise searching electronic databases, finding good web sites and evaluating information for research papers by visiting one of five campus libraries or Ask a Librarian at the 24/7 online chat service.  Your Raider One Card serves as your library card allowing you to check out materials and make print outs or copies.  Renew books online, request items from another campus library and access electronic materials with your MyOCC ID and PW. Library computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis with MS Office Suite 2016 for student use. Ask your instructor about extra credit for free library seminars!

Read the whole article on the OCC Spirit Blog.

September 12, 2017

Celebrating Constitution Day at the Orchard Ridge Campus Library

September 17 is Constitution Day, commemorating the signing of the United States Constitution in 1787.

The Orchard Ridge Campus King Library is a Federal Depository Library and provides free access to print and electronic documents created by the United States Government.

While supplies last on Monday September 18, the Orchard Ridge Campus Library will be giving out free pencils and sticky note pads in honor of Constitution Day. Be sure to check out our display table featuring government publications and books about the United States Constitution.
Want to learn more?
Use the OCC Libraries Search Everything to locate books or articles related to U.S. Constitution, or take a look at the resources on the OCC Libraries Government Research Guide. For more information about accessing the Government Documents collection, visit the reference desk at any OCC campus library for assistance.

June 23, 2017

Make Your Summer Notable: Read a Library of Michigan 2017 Notable Book!

If you are looking for a good read this summer, check out the Library of Michigan's list of the 2017 Michigan Notable Books - 20 books highlighting Michigan people, places and events. These books encompass a number of genres and subjects including:

The OCC Libraries have the majority of the 20 Michigan Notable titles available for checkout in our collections. Search the Library Catalog to see if the title you are interested in is available. If the book you want is not available at OCC you can always try to request it through MeLCat and have it delivered to OCC or any other Michigan library where you are an authorized borrower.

To find out more about the program, visit the Library of Michigan Notable Books website.

April 17, 2017

Congratulations OCC Librarian Allison McFadden-Keesling, 2017 Diversity Champion

The College Committee for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) has selected Highland Lakes Faculty Librarian Allison McFadden-Keesling as the 2017 Diversity Champion!

Read all about it on the CCDI website and the OCC Spirit Blog.

Congratulations Allison!

March 30, 2017

Human Library Returns to the Highland Lakes Campus

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be deaf? What it is like to live with a mental illness? What it is like to be Muslim? The Highland Lakes Campus Diversity Committee and OCC Libraries will host the Human Library on Tuesday April 4 from 9am–1pm in the Student Center Arena. The Human Library event that allows “readers” to checkout volunteer “books” who represent multiple areas of diversity. Human Books represent a cross section of society that have been stereotyped. “Books” are not asked to be experts, but instead asked to be themselves and tell their story in response to questions asked by the “Reader”. This exercise allowed “Books” and “Readers” alike to meet people from other walks of life that they may not otherwise have had the opportunity to meet.

The Human Library was started in 2000 in Denmark to help break down barriers and end prejudice. The idea was simple: if you meet people from other walks of life, people different than yourself, they become real and no longer belong to a faceless group. Once people start talking and getting to know one another, it becomes harder to discriminate against others as we realize we are more similar than we are different. For more information, please go to

On Tuesday April 4, at the OCC Highland Lakes Campus Student Center from 9am– 1pm, our Human Library will have 23 Human Book titles. Please come and check them out.

January 26, 2017

Celebrate Black History Month Through Reading

OCC Libraries in partnership with The OCC Diversity Committees are proud to participate in the 28th National African American Read-In on February 1-14, 2017.

OCC Students and employees are invited to hear readings or read a brief passage aloud from books written by African American authors. The goal of this event is to celebrate Black History Month and bring awareness about the contributions African Americans have made to the literary world.

Events will be held in the OCC Libraries:
Feb. 1 at Orchard Ridge from 11am-1pm
Feb. 6 at Auburn Hills from 12pm-1:30pm
Feb. 7 at Highland Lakes from 10am-1pm
Feb. 14 at Royal Oak from 11:30am-12:30pm

For more times information, contact your campus OCC Library or check out the flier.