April 16, 2015

Library instruction sessions help improve student learning

The OCC Library website is a gateway to a wide variety of credible resources that students can use to do research for their classes.  When it comes to doing research for an assignment, there is so much more available than Google and Wikipedia!   Here are some ways in which OCC faculty have introduced their students to the Library and its incredible resources & services: 
Each semester for both my U.S. and World history courses, I utilize extensively the OCC library system.  Students are required to write essays and/or papers from challenging research questions using required sources such as nonfiction books, peer-reviewed articles, and the links the library provides to their approved history web sites.  I also provide the reference librarians with the assigned questions and/or research essay topics to make their time efficient in helping my students.  By the end of the semester I have students who tell me they have learned more about a person or event and they now know how to better utilize the library's resources.  OCC has an excellent library which I not only use in my classes but for myself.
Nancy E. Shockley, M.A., History Faculty
The OCC Library staff has helped me to open the eyes of my Intro to Gerontology students and now Sociology of Aging students to all the awesome services available to them. The students are required to do a special assignment regarding aging issues by utilizing Professional Journals. The library staff has not only taken the time to help students with this specific assignment, but takes time to help them with all library issues.  Special thanks to this amazing OCC Library Team.
Midge Appel,  Adjunct Faculty
Visit the For Faculty page on the library website to find out more about how the OCC Libraries can help faculty improve student research skills, schedule a library instruction session, or go here to contact your campus librarian for more information.

Submitted by Carol Benson
Faculty Librarian
Royal Oak Campus Library

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